Spent half of the day with friends at City Garden Coffee. Yes, I wasn't able to attend the bloggers meet at the waterfront because I decided to chill and celebrate Riva's birthday with college friends. Elena even said that the surprise birthday get-togethers should become a regular thing; if it weren't for Lena the surprise get together wouldn't materialize. We got a gigantic bolognese-calda pizza and chocolate chiffon cake for Riva that we all shared over chit-chats and random Q&A's with those who had their partners that night. We ended up at Silogan ni Gian across USCTC. It was a good night, no booze but loads of fun. Tooo bad banban wasn't able to join us for some reason. If I had time, I could have dropped by Ayala to meet Steph and Karess but I was short for time, my Tita Gel was already looking for me at the Marriott. When I arrived at the executive suite, they welcomed me with a huge Roma Mia Chef's platter pizza. I had cheese and anchovies - eating the anchovies pizza made my kidney scream for help as it was REALLY REALLY salty. Slept at around 3am after a whole night of taking about how jologs my mom had become with my cousin cybil and my tita. Ohhh... I met my cousin Ragelle who really looks like me when I was her age and how she and my other cousin Jett also looked alike. I'm excited to meet her older sister Realise, who said "Omg Mom, I think I'm starting to become a shopaholic" and "I wanna be a Hollywood actress but I hate paparazzi, I want my privacy intact" at 8!

My brother
After mass at Sacred Heart Parish (the priest who did the 11 am mass delivered a good homily about gratitude and family), we went straight to SM because my tita wanted steam rice and wanted to buy shoes to use for tonight's party with her in-laws. OMG. I've never eaten that much dimsum my whole life! 4 plain siomai, 4 steam rice, fried rice, 3 crab pincher, 2 fried shrimp balls, empress siomai, 2 quail egg and 2 mushroom siomai. Bahhhh....
My pointed patent kitten-low school shoes (oppps but I still don't have my uniform ready)

Then we went to look for Tita's sandals and our school shoes. I had fun and in the coming days I'm sure there is more to come.
Sorry for the pictures that are not well lighted, these pictures are taken from my camphone.
Pictures from Riva's birthday to follow.
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