I was suppose to get a pedicure while waiting for Stephanie's text for later but I decided to eat Mang Inasal, shop for red lipstick, the Penshoppe bella cologne and a new brush.
Bella (in pink) smells like ESCADA - fruity and summerish.
Afterwards, I went straight to the an internet cafe to kill time, which is what I'm doing right now.
I went a bit emotional while doing the entry about tio; imagine me crying inside the cafe, I can be such a loser sometimes.
Earlier today, I made our AVP for the CAMS event this afternoon. I was really tired last night that I decided to skip the making of the AVP first thing in the morning. I used Cyberlink Power Director 7 and my ever dependable Windows Movie Maker in creating the AVP. The Power Director was a pretty good program but I was still struggling with how to create an AVP using the program cause it was more complex than the movie maker. I was late for almost an hour and a half for the meeting, I was cramming and rushing to finish the video. It was not a help that I left my skirt at our mabolo house. But I made it on time, just right before the guest speaker ended his inspirational speech. All in all it was good, I had to put a show to make our "presentation" a bit lively. School that attended had more than 10 delegates, we were only four, I wanted the presentation to have a recall, so the audience would know Benedicto College does exist.
We didn't finish the whole program since it was past five and we had other plans, here is a video of us leaving the USJR campus where the event was held.
I'm quite excited to be part of CAMS, my highschool batchmate and my college schoolmate were responsible in creating the group.
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