Original photos from Rhea Tiu.
I just found out today that Lezzy (Rhea) and I aren't friends yet in facebook. Bohoo. I miss her soo much, together with the other lesbiana of TCO batch 08. When they left, I decided to leave STC as well. I think the second batch is much much better. watchathink? hmmmm.
I bailed for bern's send off party. I'm soo sorry me!!! =( My lower back hurts really bad and I feel so restless and lazy. (as if it's a new thing haha). While waiting for my turn to use the PC, I did some stretching and Pilates. I feel much better now even if I haven't taken a pain killer pill since this morning.
I'm quite addicted to the new season of Pinoy Big Brother. I got all teary-eyed when the Filipino housemate in Finland had to say goodbye to the Finis housemates. Sucker punch me. Oh, oh out of boredom, I am now addicted to friends for sale. This application in facebook where you get to buy and sell your friends. It is weird but it feels good that I own *toot*, I bought him off from his bunny. lmao. You wouldn't know what I'm talking about unless if your my personal friend.
OK that's it. 6am. I'm off to do some other things on the net.
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