Hours from now I'll be turning twenty and three - I'm hoping this year would be better than the last few "stressful" yet life enriching years. I'm doing charity this year instead of the usual going out and drinking spree with friends. I'm doing charity and family.
Tonight, I'm meeting with Faith and Steph... To salubong my day and for Steph's sound off - will this be her last send off? It's bittersweet, I know she doesn't want to leave but we have to do what we have to do.
It's midterms tomorrow, I'm not even sure if I'll attend to my stat class, I haven't been going to class for almost a month now... I'm leaning towards dropping from the subject. Urgh. Promise, my last. Well... that is if my English hasn't dropped my yet. Oppss.
So I'm curious, what gonna be my college barkada's plan for my birthday surprise? We started doing it this year and this is gonna stay as a tradition (I hope so). I'm not a fan of surprises but the thought of them planning is something for me is so heartwarming. I can't wait to see em again, it's always fun whenever they are around. I miss riva more, we have been texting these past few days and review has been tough for her, I hope she pulls through.
I miss swanie. I miss my highschool barkada - the heartbreakers. I hope to see them before Pia leaves for Bataan again.
To those who have been texting me last week, guys sorry if I didn't reply to your text messages, my phones got busted and I couldn't read the text messages sent to me last week. I'm okey now, thanks to swanie for lending me her extra phone. See, this is the reason why I'm not buying or do I own, expensive phones, they break easily and having them fixed can be pricey! The phone expensive phone that I want is a sidekick, too bad they don't offer sidekick here.
I'm on my way to Alejandro's tonight, I'm dropping off the books that I promised to donate for their anniversary charity work this year, before I head over at Faith's place. I'm doing it on the 11th hour, it's so typical me. haha
Have to leave. Toodles!
The birthday eve
Posted by
Irene Sharie
on Monday, August 31, 2009
Comments: (0)
A little update
Posted by
Irene Sharie
on Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Benedicto College,
birthday greetings,
Comments: (0)
So I am obliged to update this little blog of mine. I'm listening to daydream cycle, this local group doing triphop, the last time I checked they were all men in the band, now they have a girl on vox. Vox, by the way, is vocals shortened, I got this from browsing the site of my as-of-the-moment man candy. I wish I could show you his picture but I can't cause I certainly don't want to cause more brouhahas but seriously he is HOTT there are only three things that bothers me about him... he is shorter than me, he is quite of a suplado and that he is into the reggae/rasta thing.
Drown me with goddam painkillers!!! I'm nursing a very bad toothache and I hope this goes away with resulting me to visit my dentist. But I do need some cleaning...
I'm cleaning my room right before I hit the sack, I realized that I need to change some sheets and sweep my floor cause I'm starting to see ants crawling around my bed. Urgh..
One more week to go and It's gonna be my twenty third birthday. I don't have plans, maybe I'm treating my friends out to dinner but I seriously want a vacation somewhere far without having to go back to the city. I missed school yesterday and today, I don't feel like going to school. Good luck for my midterms.
Which reminds me, I have to ask my tita moolah to buy me new rubber shoes. I can't wait, it's volleyball season once again!
My friend Dianne is back at the gym and she's forcing me to join her and even volunteered to pay for the first month but I feel like I'm not ready yet nor disciplined enough to go back to the gym. We placed a wager on who gets to loose more in a month, if I win, she lessens her smoking if she wins, I'd have to continue going to the gym. I haven't decided yet if I'd go through the bet.
I'm currently loving Lady Gaga's songs, Beautiful Dirty Rich, The Fame and Paparazzi. I feel that the song Paparazzi resembles how I pursue the guys that I like. "Promise I'll be kind, but I won't stop until the boy is mine." "I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until your mine, Papa Paparazzi" I'm sure my friends would agree! hehe
If I had an alter ego, I would be Lady Gaga.
I had fun over the weekend Acquainted with new friends, the Amparito Schoolars of USJR and working with the school's arts and cultural director, Mrs. Mila Espina. I've seen Mrs. Espina on the newspaper but I didn't realize how creative, inspiring and influential she is in the local media scene. We had to do a last minute change of performance for the CAMMA awards last Sunday since there was slight mis-communication between the choreographer and the school administration. It was one of the craziest 3 days of my life in Benedicto but it was a lot of fun, the learning and the experience that I got from activity was enriching. I wish I had the chance to remember their names, they were all calling me Ms. Irene, as if I was a teacher and they asked me to transfer to USJR but I guess I'll have to stay at Benedicto till I figure out the importance of getting my butt in every class. The CAMMA student-director was a cutie but I forgot his name. Lmao.
Over the weekend, we celebrated Sai's surprise birthday party at MB's Tavern. The dinner was so-so, I had a lot of fun when we stayed at Em's place before going home. I'm the next birthday celebrant in line, wonder what kind of surprise will they prepare for me? haha.
There's really nothing much that I want to ask for my birthday, only a DVD copy of old Vilma Santos' movies, especially the movies Alias Baby China and Burlesk Queen. I am a Sharonian and Vilmanian at heart. LoL.
I have so much to blog about but the pain is making me irritable plus the weather isn't helping at all.
Lets just catch up some other time.
By the way, happy birthday to Stephanie Tio and Sarah Macabantog. I love you girlfriends!
I wanna leave you guys with a music video of Drip's Song number 9. I heart em.
So I am obliged to update this little blog of mine. I'm listening to daydream cycle, this local group doing triphop, the last time I checked they were all men in the band, now they have a girl on vox. Vox, by the way, is vocals shortened, I got this from browsing the site of my as-of-the-moment man candy. I wish I could show you his picture but I can't cause I certainly don't want to cause more brouhahas but seriously he is HOTT there are only three things that bothers me about him... he is shorter than me, he is quite of a suplado and that he is into the reggae/rasta thing.
Drown me with goddam painkillers!!! I'm nursing a very bad toothache and I hope this goes away with resulting me to visit my dentist. But I do need some cleaning...
I'm cleaning my room right before I hit the sack, I realized that I need to change some sheets and sweep my floor cause I'm starting to see ants crawling around my bed. Urgh..
One more week to go and It's gonna be my twenty third birthday. I don't have plans, maybe I'm treating my friends out to dinner but I seriously want a vacation somewhere far without having to go back to the city. I missed school yesterday and today, I don't feel like going to school. Good luck for my midterms.
Which reminds me, I have to ask my tita moolah to buy me new rubber shoes. I can't wait, it's volleyball season once again!
My friend Dianne is back at the gym and she's forcing me to join her and even volunteered to pay for the first month but I feel like I'm not ready yet nor disciplined enough to go back to the gym. We placed a wager on who gets to loose more in a month, if I win, she lessens her smoking if she wins, I'd have to continue going to the gym. I haven't decided yet if I'd go through the bet.
I'm currently loving Lady Gaga's songs, Beautiful Dirty Rich, The Fame and Paparazzi. I feel that the song Paparazzi resembles how I pursue the guys that I like. "Promise I'll be kind, but I won't stop until the boy is mine." "I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until your mine, Papa Paparazzi" I'm sure my friends would agree! hehe
If I had an alter ego, I would be Lady Gaga.
I had fun over the weekend Acquainted with new friends, the Amparito Schoolars of USJR and working with the school's arts and cultural director, Mrs. Mila Espina. I've seen Mrs. Espina on the newspaper but I didn't realize how creative, inspiring and influential she is in the local media scene. We had to do a last minute change of performance for the CAMMA awards last Sunday since there was slight mis-communication between the choreographer and the school administration. It was one of the craziest 3 days of my life in Benedicto but it was a lot of fun, the learning and the experience that I got from activity was enriching. I wish I had the chance to remember their names, they were all calling me Ms. Irene, as if I was a teacher and they asked me to transfer to USJR but I guess I'll have to stay at Benedicto till I figure out the importance of getting my butt in every class. The CAMMA student-director was a cutie but I forgot his name. Lmao.
Over the weekend, we celebrated Sai's surprise birthday party at MB's Tavern. The dinner was so-so, I had a lot of fun when we stayed at Em's place before going home. I'm the next birthday celebrant in line, wonder what kind of surprise will they prepare for me? haha.
There's really nothing much that I want to ask for my birthday, only a DVD copy of old Vilma Santos' movies, especially the movies Alias Baby China and Burlesk Queen. I am a Sharonian and Vilmanian at heart. LoL.
I have so much to blog about but the pain is making me irritable plus the weather isn't helping at all.
Lets just catch up some other time.
By the way, happy birthday to Stephanie Tio and Sarah Macabantog. I love you girlfriends!
I wanna leave you guys with a music video of Drip's Song number 9. I heart em.
Shameless advertising: (M)Pulse Mobile Bar
Posted by
Irene Sharie
on Sunday, August 9, 2009
Comments: (0)

(M)PULSE Mobile bar. Hassle free party? go (M)PULSE! If you want to know more about (M)PULSE click on the banner on top! If you are so outdated on party terms (like me), a mobile bar is like a catering service, instead of food, they serve alcoholic drinks! Too bad for cebuanos, (M)Pulse operates in manila but one of the owners Cym is a cebuano! They offer open bar packages that are affordable and cocktails that have creative names.(like their famous Fudge You, Angel Kisses, Lycheetini and more) Some of the mix were made by Cym and soon will be introducing game shots (is that what you call em cym? hehe). If you don't know what "game shots" are, I think these are games that you play and drinking a shot is part of the consequence if you lose. So okey, I suck at this. haha Pictures and more info are available in the site. Make sure to book ahead of time as they are almost full on the weekends. Oh oh oh, plus I heard they have cute bartenders! They take care of the drinks, all you need to do is have some good and clean *wink* fun!
Photoblog: FAMES
Posted by
Irene Sharie
on Thursday, August 6, 2009
Benedicto College,
photo blog,
Comments: (0)

Fashion, Arts, Masscommunication and Education Society | FAMES

Photography & Editing | Armand Alforque
Make up | Susan Fortich
Clothes | Nikki Acriche of bullyshanty.multiply.com
Photos are for the Benedicto College FAMES organization's AVP for this year's college acquaintance party slash induction of officers. I'm done with the AVP, it took me 16 hours to create the audio-visual presentation; I hope all my efforts are worth it by making our department and the organization's members proud.
Thank you for my friends, Armand, Nikki and Susan for helping me out with the photoshoot. Thank you for those who showed up during the shoot and our college dean for your all our support.
Make up | Susan Fortich
Clothes | Nikki Acriche of bullyshanty.multiply.com
Photos are for the Benedicto College FAMES organization's AVP for this year's college acquaintance party slash induction of officers. I'm done with the AVP, it took me 16 hours to create the audio-visual presentation; I hope all my efforts are worth it by making our department and the organization's members proud.
Thank you for my friends, Armand, Nikki and Susan for helping me out with the photoshoot. Thank you for those who showed up during the shoot and our college dean for your all our support.
Click HERE for more pictures.

RIP Cory Aquino and more random rants.
Posted by
Irene Sharie
on Saturday, August 1, 2009
I woke up with the sound of the door opening and the voice of my mom talking on her mobile phone as I followed her to her room to use the C.R., she told me the news that Corazon Aquino is dead. I thought it was a dream, I am always stunned with news about death, when I returned back to my bed I then took a moment of silence and prayed for her soul. A few minutes after, my dad called and asked me where my brother was, his phone cannot be reached and he didn't notify anyone that he wouldn't be sleeping at either my dad our the mabolo house. It was an odd morning today, slightly melancholic or I don't know....
2009 is the year when a lot of great people have passed away and I always told everyone that I hope Tita Cory wouldn't pass away this year, I still think that the people of the Philippines need her for moral and spiritual guidance especially in this phase that were going through (the upcoming elections, the birth of conass etc.). But I guess it was about time and with all the things that she has done for her countrymen and the inspiration she has given to many people around the world, I would say that she's one of the very few blessed individuals who has lived a life of righteousness to the fullest. Let her soul rest in peace.
It a Saturday and I'm home, trying to finish the papers for our application for accreditation. I missed the Sarah G and Up Dharma Down concert last night but it was alright, I didn't feel like going out after a hearty spur of the moment dinner with Pia at Don Juan. (By the way, I will be doing a Resto Rave about Don Juan whenever I have the time and my Mamma Maria pizza experience).
I'm quite frustrated cause I couldn't find the USB cable for my mobile phone to my computer. I think I lost or misplaced it somewhere with my coin purse that has my flash drive in it. I'm still not giving up, if my Tuesday I couldn't find it, I'll have to buy a new one.
Speaking off purchases, I did my groceries last friday as I have noticed that there were no food in the fridge. Doing the groceries is a love-hate thing. Why? Cause I just love going through the aisles and looking for what stuff to buy, trying to remember the essentials and stopping the urge to purchase those that I don't really need. I ended up buying 2 bags full of junk food and a bag of what I really need. The hate part? It's burning my money!!!! Urgh....
Yes, my friends stephanie will hate me once she sees all the junk food that I have stored in my room. Sometimes it can be too lazy to cook real food, so I end up just munching on junk.
It's august, I do remember telling myself to put on my GOAL SETTING CAP. I don't really want to check the weighing scale cause I'm afraid to see that I've actually gained the weight that I lost a few months ago. Then again, this time I will have to be serious in pursuing the promises that I told myself that I would do once August comes. So starting monday, no more unnecessary absences from school and no more slacking off. I need to be serious with this people!
Anyway, I have to leave now. I need some shut eye cause I have an appointment tomorrow with other CAMS member, I think were guesting on the local game show, Kapamilya Winner Ka. I seriously don't know what to expect for tomorrow if I'll be playing or just be watching others play but its gonna be something new for me.
Toodles everyone. TYVM.
2009 is the year when a lot of great people have passed away and I always told everyone that I hope Tita Cory wouldn't pass away this year, I still think that the people of the Philippines need her for moral and spiritual guidance especially in this phase that were going through (the upcoming elections, the birth of conass etc.). But I guess it was about time and with all the things that she has done for her countrymen and the inspiration she has given to many people around the world, I would say that she's one of the very few blessed individuals who has lived a life of righteousness to the fullest. Let her soul rest in peace.
It a Saturday and I'm home, trying to finish the papers for our application for accreditation. I missed the Sarah G and Up Dharma Down concert last night but it was alright, I didn't feel like going out after a hearty spur of the moment dinner with Pia at Don Juan. (By the way, I will be doing a Resto Rave about Don Juan whenever I have the time and my Mamma Maria pizza experience).
I'm quite frustrated cause I couldn't find the USB cable for my mobile phone to my computer. I think I lost or misplaced it somewhere with my coin purse that has my flash drive in it. I'm still not giving up, if my Tuesday I couldn't find it, I'll have to buy a new one.
Speaking off purchases, I did my groceries last friday as I have noticed that there were no food in the fridge. Doing the groceries is a love-hate thing. Why? Cause I just love going through the aisles and looking for what stuff to buy, trying to remember the essentials and stopping the urge to purchase those that I don't really need. I ended up buying 2 bags full of junk food and a bag of what I really need. The hate part? It's burning my money!!!! Urgh....
Yes, my friends stephanie will hate me once she sees all the junk food that I have stored in my room. Sometimes it can be too lazy to cook real food, so I end up just munching on junk.
It's august, I do remember telling myself to put on my GOAL SETTING CAP. I don't really want to check the weighing scale cause I'm afraid to see that I've actually gained the weight that I lost a few months ago. Then again, this time I will have to be serious in pursuing the promises that I told myself that I would do once August comes. So starting monday, no more unnecessary absences from school and no more slacking off. I need to be serious with this people!
Anyway, I have to leave now. I need some shut eye cause I have an appointment tomorrow with other CAMS member, I think were guesting on the local game show, Kapamilya Winner Ka. I seriously don't know what to expect for tomorrow if I'll be playing or just be watching others play but its gonna be something new for me.
Toodles everyone. TYVM.
Parting Shots:

I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you wake in the morning hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there, I did not die!
Mary Frye (1932)